How do I revamp my interior doors?

I want to revamp my interior doors. I've sanded them down and chosen the paint, but I've heard there's a special way to do the job - can you explain?

I want to revamp my interior doors. I've sanded them down and chosen the paint, but I've heard there's a special way to do the job - can you explain?

Preparation is key. Wipe the door with a damp cloth to get rid of dust, then leave to dry. To paint, wedge the door open, remove the handle and fittings and slide a dustsheet underneath. If it's a panelled door, paint the mouldings around each of the recessed panels using an eggshell or gloss paint, then paint the panels, working from the top downwards. Paint the horizontal cross rails starting at the top and working down, then paint the vertical centre rail and two side rails. Finally, paint the door's side edges. A second coat is usually needed  after the first has dried. When completely dry, pain the doorframe and surrounding architrave. If it's a plain door, imagine a vertical line down the centre, and horizontal lines running across, dividing it into eight or 10 squares. Paint the top left, then top right, working down. To paint a glazed door, stick masking tape around the edge of the panes to protect them. Then start by painting the mouldings as you would a regular panelled door.