How to make a ruffle rose cushion

Follow Style at Home's step-by-step guide to making your own ruffle rose cushion

(Image credit: Future PLC/David Giles)

Looking for bedroom decorating ideas? Go for a hit of high street glam with our ruffled and frayed cushion project. This bright and bold ruffle rose cushion will give your bed star style.

1 hour


What you'll need
* 1m Lenda fabric in Red, £3.99 per m, Ikea
* Cushion pad, £2.49, Dunelm Mill (use the contents to fill your cushion)

it comes to stitching your front and back circles together, make sure
your ruffles are pinned away from the raw edge to avoid stitching them

room with wooden table and red cloth

(Image credit: Future PLC/David Giles)

1) Tear your fabric
into three 10cm-wide strips, along the entire width. Cut two circles
from the remaining fabric, each measuring 32cm in diameter.

sewing machine

(Image credit: Future PLC/David Giles)

2) With right sides together, machine-stitch the three strips
into one long piece. Press the seams open, then fold the strip in half
along the length and press. Open out. Take one red fabric circle and match the 
long edge of the fabric strip to the edge of the circle and pin.

how to make ruffle rose cushion

(Image credit: Future PLC/David Giles)

3) Machine-stitch
the fold mark, turning the circle as you go, gathering the strip
Keep stitching your way around the circle, working towards
the centre, matching the outer edge of the strip to the inner edge sewn
previously. Stop just before the centre and hand-stitch the remaining
strip to form a rosebud. Machine-stitch the second circle on 
top of the
ruffled front, leaving a gap of 12cm. Turn the right way and fill.
Hand-stitch the opening closed.

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