How to make a stylish ironing board cover

Brighten up everyday chores with a home-sewn ironing board cover created using Country Homes & Interiors' simple instructions

ironing board covers white shelves and blue printed wall

(Image credit: Trevor Richards)

This ironing board cover is easy to make, following Country Homes & Interiors' instructions

You will need

  • Approximately 1.5m 100% cotton or linen fabric - depending on the size of your ironing board (we used Mandalay Indigo, £80, Rapture & Wright)
  • Approximately 1.5m heat-resistant insulating wadding - depending on the size of your ironing board (try Fabric Heaven)
  • Appromixately 4m of 25mm fold-over elastic (try Macculloch & Wallis)
  • Tailor's chalk
  • Pins
  • Sewing machine or needle
  • Matching thread

Step 1) Lay out your fabric wrong side facing and place your ironing board on top. Draw around your ironing board with the chalk adding 7.5cm to the outline then cut out.
Step 2) Repeat for your insulating fabric.
Step 3) Place the insulating fabric on top of the wrong side of your main fabric, pin then sew together around the edge. Trim to neaten.
Step 4) Sew the fold-over elastic around the edge of the fabrics by sandwiching the fabric layers in the middle of the folded elastic. Pull the elastic taught over the fabrics as you go and use a medium zigzag stitch on your machine (or attach with herringbone stitch if sewing by hand) to allow for movement, securing firmly at either end.

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