10 questions with...Jenny Taylor of Let's Talk Mommy

In our interview series, we talk to our favourite bloggers about their trend predictions and styles. Here, we meet Jenny Taylor of Let's Talk Mommy

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1. Which trend would you like to see the back of – and why?

I am over the monochrome look. I am glad I never jumped on this bandwagon of everything being just black and white. It was lovely but I love colour too much. It was flooding interior magazines, Pinterest and Instagram but I can slowly see it’s coming to a halt.

Jenny Taylor

(Image credit: TBC)

2. Which key trends should we be looking out for come summer?

I think pink and green are trending at the moment, and I don’t see them going away anytime soon. I think industrial home décor is really growing on the trend market even though it’s been out awhile now you can see every interior shop starting to push it more and more.

3. Describe your style in three words:

Shabby Chic, pastels and simple

4. How does your house reflect you and your family?

Each room has a different look and feel to it. I do this because I think each room has a different function and I like it to reflect our family but also what we use it for. For example, our front room has vibrant pops of colour, crazy cushions, funky furniture, and the kid’s paraphernalia, as it is the playroom. I don’t mind if it gets trashed from the kids and it is easy clean up come bedtime. However, our new back sitting room is an adult only room full of cream furniture, glass home accessories for adults to use for entertaining, or us to use reading and working at night after the kids go to bed.

breakfast on the bed with breakfast table

(Image credit: TBC)

5. What’s the best thing you’ve ever bought for your home?

I know it sounds silly but my little triangle, copper terrariums. I went for mixed metallics recently in my home and these beauties I can’t stop snapping and sharing online. I don’t plant succulents in them, I prefer to buy mini ones already in pots and put the whole pot in them instead.

6. How would you give your home a new lease of life without breaking the bank?

I would put more plants and mirrors in each room. Mirrors always make each room look bigger and brighter. Plants bring that nature, fresh air feeling to a room too. These are things I am trying to incorporate as I go along.

7. What are the best ways to ensure you’re not overstyling or over editing a room? In other words, how do you know when you’re done decorating?

In my own opinion, a room is never finished. I don’t like saying a room is finished because our family grows and changes so our home needs to too. Soon our playroom will grow into a more mature television and entertainment room as we won’t need baby toys around. Also our home décor doesn’t have to be so unbreakable as the kids get older and aren’t as hard on the house as they are when they are babies. The kids’ nurseries will become little kid rooms to teenage bedrooms. Because our home reflects each of us so much, our interiors will forever change with us too.

living room with creams walls and white sofa set

(Image credit: TBC)

8. What’s your latest DIY/upcycling project?

Just last week, I decided I would take my old dressing table out of the garage, sand it down and spray paint it white for my daughter to have in her room. It was a present for my 30th birthday from my mother but over time it became warn, the silver paint was chipping and it was too small for all my lotions and potions I needed. But I couldn’t part with it so I thought this way my daughter gets her first dressing table that has a nice memory to it, passed down from me from Grandma.

9. What’s the one home styling trick or tip you couldn’t live without?

When I style a room in my home I stick to a neutral overall look that is versatile. I keep my furniture versatile and plain. I am forever changing the home interior accents and colours of a room to match with ongoing trends. My best style trick I can say is, choose pops of colours in cushions and curtains not carpets and wallpaper. You can’t change these as easily or as cheap as you can the accessories. I am not saying everything has to be white but keep a lighter feel to the walls and accent with a vibrant painting or crazy cushion patterns.

book on the floor with cushion and indoor plant

(Image credit: TBC)

10. And finally, where do you find your inspiration?

I am always looking in magazines, Instagram, Pinterest for home inspiration. I follow numerous home interior bloggers to see what they are doing within their own homes and what trends are hitting the market. Sometimes I just like to window shop through the home shops with the kids on a rainy day and see what’s out there.

Deputy Editor

Jennifer is the Deputy Editor (Digital) for Homes & Gardens online. Prior to her current position, she completed various short courses a KLC Design School, and wrote across sister brands Ideal Home, LivingEtc, 25 Beautiful Homes, Country Homes & Interiors, and Style at Home.