We took a first look at Sage's new bean-to-cup machine - it's here to solve all of your coffee headaches

Plant-based milk lovers rejoice!

A Sage coffee machine with a coffee next to it
(Image credit: Sage)

Now the summer holidays have drawn to a close and the dark, chilly mornings are creeping in, getting your caffeine boost has never been so important. And it seems as though Sage Appliance’s new Barista Touch™ Impress has been released just in time. 

Sage coffee machines have often made their way onto our list of best coffee machines - especially for those looking for the best bean-to-cup coffee machines

And retailing at £1199.95 from Sage, this at-home espresso machine is not the cheapest coffee machine on the market. But with its new smart technology, it’s definitely worth the price tag for those wanting a barista-style coffee from the comfort of their own homes.

A Sage coffee machine in a kitchen

(Image credit: Sage)

An upgrade of the Sage Barista Impress - which we scored an impressive 5 stars out of 5 during our review - Sage’s new bean-to-cup offering still has the touch-screen that our reviewers loved. This time, though, the touch screen also offers new smart technology they’re calling ‘Barista Guidance.’ The aim? To give you the perfect espresso shot every single time. 

‘We’ve listened to our customers and the speciality coffee community and are proud to be launching the Barista Touch Impress,’ says Sage’s Global Coffee General Manager, Con Psarologos. 

‘We’ve taken the guesswork out of the dial-in process, with the machine providing real-time feedback on grind size, extraction time and more – it’s like having an experienced barista by your side, helping you to perfect your coffee from start to finish.’

As someone who exclusively uses plant-based milks, the first-of-its-kind plant-based functionality is something I’m particularly excited about. The new AutoMILQ technology is able to differentiate between different plant-based milks, no matter whether you’re an oat milk latte lover or a coconut cappuccino connoisseur. It automatically calibrates the temperature, steam pressure, and timing of the machine, creating the perfect foamy texture we’ve previously only experienced with cow’s milk.

If that isn’t enough, you can purchase the Barista Touch Impress in four different colours: brushed stainless steel, black truffle, sea salt, or black stainless steel. Plus, this new machine now comes with settings for non-espresso drinks, including tea, hot chocolate, and a babyccino. 

A silver coffee machine set-up

(Image credit: Sage)

And I’m not the only one eager to experience this next-generation coffee machine, either. Molly Clearly, Ideal Home’s Ecommerce Editor, says, ‘I test a lot of coffee machines in my job, and Sage ones by far are my personal favourite. The look of the new Sage Barista Touch Impress alone is enough to make you want one in your kitchen, and the new touchscreen elevates it even further.’

‘As a lover of longer drinks like lattes, the convenience of the one-touch system while still keeping the bean-to-touch taste is the absolute dream! We've got a full review of this machine coming in the next week, so make sure to check back here if you want to get our take.'

The Barista Touch Impress is available to buy now. 

Lauren Bradbury

Lauren Bradbury is a freelance writer and major homes enthusiast. She graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in English and Creative Writing from the University of Chichester in 2016, before dipping her toe into the world of content writing. After years of agency work, writing everything from real-life stories to holiday round-ups, she decided to take the plunge and become a full-time freelancer in the online magazine world. Since then, she has become a regular contributor for Real Homes and Ideal Home, and become even more obsessed with everything interior and garden related. As a result, she’s in the process of transforming her old Victorian terraced house into an eclectic and modern home that hits visitors with personality as soon as they walk through the door.